The project

Academics4Rail coordinated by EURNEX is a new research project funded by Europe’s Rail with EUR 1.807.237,50, launched on the 1st September 2023 and continuing over 42 months. The project held a kick-off meeting on the 9th September in Berlin, gathering the whole consortium of 25 partners from ten countries.
Academics4Rail will create a stable and durable scientific community that in an organised way will share and exchange scientific knowledge with EU-Rail and ERRAC.
This knowledge is shared at different levels (strategic to concrete technical areas) and for different purposes.
When it comes to the strategic level the scientific community intends to share knowledge with ERRAC and EU-Rail with the purpose of optimising the program for railway research providing insights of fund use, existing themes for research and scientific necessities for the future of European railways. It also supports the methodology of program assessment using KPIs and impact estimation towards the objectives set out in the EU-Rail masterplan.
Finally, the scientific community shares its knowledge about necessities of future PhD funding with a relevant European and scientific weight. In a more concrete technological domain, the scientific community engages in specific themes creating 6 PhD positions that will enlarge the knowledge in 6 specific areas and will enable the cooperation of academia with industry.

The areas are:
- PhD1 Aerodynamics of freight trains. Politecnico de Milano.
- PhD2 Electromagnetic compatibility. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.
- PhD3 Additive Manufacturing in wheel re-profiling. Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.
- PhD4 Digital communications for virtual coupling. Université Gustave Eiffel.
- PhD5 Prognostics and health management approach for railway asset maintenance. Luleå Tekniska Universitet.
- PhD6 AI-based Driving Assistance. Uinversité Polytechnique Hauts-De France.

Project coordinator:
Dr.-Ing Armando Carrillo Zanuy
Hardenbergstraße 12
10623 Berlin
25 Partners from 10 countries